Keeping Employees Upbeat

Staying upbeat and motivated has always been linked to performance and a conflict free environment. Disgruntled employees not only diminish the positive energy of the organisation but also influence other colleagues in thinking negatively.
Upbeat and passionate employees drive the organisation towards taking risks and changing the status quo, they encourage and foster growth and constantly focus on outbeating competition.


Workplace motivation arises from an employee’s intrinsic enthusiasm about the drive to accomplish activities regarding work. Motivation is that internal drive that would cause the employee to initiate work related behavior, determine the form of this behavior, its intensity, direction and duration. Motivation is a complex driving force that can be influenced both externally and internally by biological, social, intellectual and emotional factors. The triggers that motivate people will be unique for each individual; for some it may be money, and for others it could be intrinsic satisfaction or wanting to make a difference. Despite what drives the employees to achieve high, it needs to be managed and balanced. Too much motivation in one area will hinder other areas.

10 Steps to Combat Workplace Negativity


Workplace negativity is increasingly prevalent in most workplaces cultures currently. Negativity in the workplace tends to be greater in organisation’s that are declining, in comparison to those that are successful. These negativities may take on various forms such as deceit, lying, pessimism, slander and selfishness, and are often consequences of lack of control and confidence. They are formed by infusing negative attitudes about a certain employee or situation in the organisation, which then drives negative behaviors, and these behaviors subsequently lead to negative outcomes. When an organisation is infested with various types of negativity it is impossible for an organisation to gain competitive advantage, as the energy of the organisation will be deviated from work and performance. This in turn will hinder the efficiency of the organisation and may also impair the organisation’s revenues and reputation. Hence, it is essential to identify them immediately and take the appropriate course of action combat it.
What causes it?

10 ways to be a better leader

1.    Be passionate about work and have a clear vision- It is very important for a leader to be passionate about what he does, and this is a result of the inner desire, drive and determination. It is essential that you contribute as a whole. With a clear vision and purpose, all your goals can be achieved to the fullest.

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