Keeping Employees Upbeat

Keeping Employees Upbeat

Staying upbeat and motivated has always been linked to performance and a conflict free environment. Disgruntled employees not only diminish the positive energy of the organisation but also influence other colleagues in thinking negatively.
Upbeat and passionate employees drive the organisation towards taking risks and changing the status quo, they encourage and foster growth and constantly focus on outbeating competition.

People are our greatest assets, but negative people can seriously damage the organisation by spreading their negativity in epidemic proportions. Positive employees will grow the company and also spread their positive attitude to others.

In recent times, unhappy employees have also gone to the extent of spreading negative sentiments and damaging brands as in the case of a Goldman Sachs executive who triggered attacks on their brand by the media and the public.

Mickie Kennedy in PRFuel talks of 5 ways to prevent disgruntled employees:

Keep asking employees how they are doing and listen to their feedback. You have to show them that you care about their feelings. The very fact that you care for them itself would make your employees feel fine. Some unhappy employees feel so due to colleagues who are indifferent to their feelings. No one would want to work for someone who doesn't care about you.

Be positive with employees and encourage them. Going with a "Yes you can do it" attitude rather than pointing out probable negatives will also keep employees cheerful and upbeat. They will always go around saying that they worked under a spirited team.

Trust your employees and show them you trust them. If employees feel you don't trust them, they will not trust you too because trust is mutual. Better trust will also prevent employees complaining and constantly "looking over their backs".

Look at the career path of employees and see how you can develop them. Show them that their career can be developed and that it’s not the end of the street. Find ways in which they can grow within the company and how they can develop their skills.

Keeping employees informed of company happenings is central to keeping them happy on board.

When you keep them in the loop, they feel a part of the team and will contribute to its development. IF you show employees only the smaller picture, they keep assumptions of the bigger picture and will not take interest in contributing to the organisation s success.

Having a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) that is conducive to positive attitudes and improved communication is fundamental in keeping employees upbeat. PeoplesHR is an HRIS that contains many features like performance and talent management as well as grievance and benefits handling which keeps employee needs covered. Included tools such as succession planning can strongly supplement a campaign for uplifting the spirit of employees.

PeoplesHR is Asia’s fastest growing cloud-based HR system and is developed by hSenid Business Solutions (pvt) Ltd. For more information visit

  • Read 14263 times
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 08 December 2015 08:20
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