Want to nail your 1 st job interview? Here’s how

Want to nail your 1 st job interview? Here’s how


You may have just got out of high school or graduated from your dream college in the hope of finding the perfect 1 st job to start fresh with a kick-start. However, the process that leads up to it, could be quite nerve-racking. Here’s a few tips that will hopefully help you and give you the head start you required.

Few days before your interview:

1. Preparation is Key

Prepare a few well-worded answers to some common questions you expect your interviewer to ask you. This way, you wouldn’t stammer unnecessarily and look too edgy.

You should have a thorough knowledge of what the organization does, its products or services and their target audiences. Study your job description. This makes it so much easier for you to understand what the company requires from you and what your duties and responsibilities are going to be.

If possible, look up your future boss on social media and do a bit of research on his/her interests, work patterns and so on. This helps you build a good relationship with him/her on the day of your interview as you are already aware of his/her personality. Given that you become employed, that research will be highly advantageous as it is going to make working with your boss less anxious and more friendly.

The day before your interview:

2. Take a chill pill

I’m sure you don’t want to be having eyebags on your important day from the lack of sleep you had the previous night dreading about that very moment. Keep in mind that the inevitable will be inevitable no matter how hard you try. You cannot change what is supposed to happen the next day, but what you can control is getting enough sleep and being prepared as much as possible.

On the day of your interview:

3. Even the little things matter

Job interviews are all about 1 st impressions. Grooming, posture, and body language can impact your interview as they depict your discipline and personality in unexplainable ways.

Start off with a warm greeting and a handshake. Be comfortable and pleasant.

Tip: If you become nervous looking a person in the eyes, instead, look at a spot in between their eyebrows or focus more on their eye colour.

4. Be brutally honest

Whether you are asked about something quite personal or a trick question to which you have no idea, lying is definitely not an option. Be true to your heart at all times because sometimes, there might not be a right or wrong answer and the only thing they need answered is whether you are an honest person. Loyalty and honesty are two golden qualities that make you a wonderful employee; possibly an ethical employer someday. If you are unsure of the correct answer, do not be afraid to say so because it could be worth it.

5. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance

Your ability to sell your skills, experience and expertise is the convincing factor in the process and should be done with a lot of care. Be confident in each and everything you speak out but do not sound arrogant. If the interviewer seems to not buy what you are saying, be calm and try your best to win his/her heart instead of sounding arrogant and controlling. After all, any interviewer/ organization requires his/her employees to be able to coordinate and cooperate with their fellow colleagues where becoming opinionated could be a major disadvantage.

Tip: Before your interview, take a few minutes to calm your mind by blocking out any negative vibes or nerves. Imagine a moment that makes you feel proud and let all the positive energy rush in. 

Finally, pull yourself together, gather your confidence and enter that room with the soul determination that you will ace this interview. Have faith in yourself and believe that you are capable.

Good Luck!

  • Read 2795 times
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 19 October 2021 03:33
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