Avoid these common mistakes in your CV

Avoid these common mistakes in your CV

In order to secure an interview at your dream organization you need to have the perfect resume, one that motivates recruiters to meet you and learn more about you. In fact, the first impression generated through a resume is the key to win the hearts of your employers.

If you are currently on the hunt for a job and you are looking for ways to improve and develop your resume before you hit that send button, take time to read this article and make sure you avoid the following common mistakes.

Mistake #1 – Including irrelevant personal information

The ideal resume does not include lengthy paragraphs about you, your educational qualifications, interests and hobbies, religion or political views. Traditionally the average time recruiters and HR Managers spend on analyzing resumes is about 6-10 seconds, thus including irrelevant information can take away the focus and the attention of HR managers.

Mistake #2 – Being too vague

It is always important to understand the main objective of the resume. Make sure to include information that caters directly to the specific position you are applying for. Like we mentioned before, being vague or including irrelevant information can hamper your chances to set up an interview with prospective employers.

Ensure that the words you use in the resume are direct and specific. Using words such as various, some, many or few when describing an achievement instead of providing accurate details or numbers can make your CV look poor. Therefore, when talking about a project or an achievement, it is best to quantify and provide exact details.

Mistake #3 – Mysterious gaps

If you have mentioned employment gaps leaving them with no valid reason or explanation, we highly doubt that your CV will even receive a second look. Make sure to provide valid reasoning for your employment gaps whether they are vacation gaps, study gaps or anything else related to family or health issues.

Mistake #4 – Lying

Avoid exaggerating your achievements and abilities. Employers can easily identify if a person is lying in their resumes so make sure you include truthful information along with evidence. Since you will not be given a long period of time, you need to ensure that your resume is capable of attracting the recruiting manager’s attention in an instant. Thus the most effective way of doing so is to keep the CV short by only including information that’s necessary. Including false details about yourself or any other data in your resume is always a bad option because eventually your prospective employer would expect to see these skills from you and disappointments will start popping up.

Mistake #5 – Spelling and grammar mistakes

Before you finally hit the send button, make sure your resume is spelling and grammatical error free. Even though these mistakes are considered trivial, employers tend to analyze and judge the candidate based on their language skills. Proof read your resume thoroughly and instead of relying on online spellcheckers, seeks the guidance of someone who is good in the language to check for any errors.

Guest Article By: everjobs.lk

  • Read 8654 times
  • Last modified on Friday, 31 March 2017 07:59
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