
Korean Residents Association donates relief items for flood victims

Korean Residents Association donates relief items for  flood victims

The Korean Residents Association of Lanka on 17 June handed over relief items such as portable mattresses, rice, water, shoes, clothes, personal care products, etc. for the victims of the recent flood disaster in Pahala Bomiriya, Kaduwela. The items were sponsored by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Korean companies and residents in Sri Lanka. 

The small village which is surrounded by two streams and is home to 120 residents (37 households) has been seriously affected by 30-foot high flood waters washing away houses.  

Korean Residents Association of Lanka President Kwak Hongkyu (centre) and Consul for the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Colombo Lee Jaewoo (right)



Source: Association-donates- relief-items- for- flood-victims#sthash.JiiVV891.dpuf

  • Read 5945 times
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 28 June 2016 08:30
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