
Consumer rights activists want bottled water monitored

Consumer rights activists want bottled water monitored

By Chamodi Gunawardana

The National Movement for Consumer Rights’ Protection (NMCRP) yesterday urged the Health Ministry and the Sri Lanka Standards Institute (SLSI) to continuously monitor standards of bottled water

It demanded that SLSI should have regular checking for its approved products to inspect whether they are maintaining standards.

Issuing a press release, NMCRP Chairman Ranjith Withanage said a stock of oil and grease mixed polluted water bottles were found by Public Health Inspectors in Anamaduwa recently. 

NMCRP further called on relevant State institutions to set up a procedure to inspect all drinking water bottles countrywide.  Withanage insisted it was the Government’s responsibility to protect consumers from drinking poisoned water. 

Source: activists-want- bottled-water- monitored#sthash.ef7wfqP9.dpuf

  • Read 6311 times
  • Last modified on Monday, 04 July 2016 04:12
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