
Fast and confidential public service through economic digitalisation: Ravi K

Fast and confidential public service through economic digitalisation: Ravi K

The economic digitalisation process proposed in Budget 2017 will create a conducive background, giving easy access to markets and technology, Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake said.

He also pointed out that digitalisation would help middle income countries like Sri Lanka to lay a firm foundation to improve efficiency in the public service by developing human resources and ensuring transparency in State administrations. It will also help end the age-old practice of making illegal economic gains in the sector.

Budget 2017 has allocated Rs. 15,000 million for economic digitalisation and the Inland Revenue Department will be able to expand its tax administration and tax foundation under this project. 

At the same time, a separate office will be established to prepare e-files and an e-payment system for taxpayers. The e-National Identity Card, which is already activated, will also help immensely in implementing this process.

 In addition, every person will be issued a digital signature which will ultimately help facilitate the widening of commercial activities in the country.

A mechanism will be implemented through a national payment platform to enable citizens to make all payments through the Internet and activities of the National Information Center will commence in 2017.

In the meantime, it is expected to link all government ministries, government departments and other state institutions through a video conferencing system. Amid all these activities, a separate program will be implemented with international cooperation to strengthen cyber security in the country to protect the system, Finance Minister Karunanayake said.


  • Read 5991 times
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 27 December 2016 11:16
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