What to look for in your next job hunt

What to look for in your next job hunt

Sometimes the simplest things attract us to certain organisations. It could be the atmosphere or even the family like nature among coworkers. We’re all searching for that click when you know it’s the right place to be. But unfortunately that click doesn’t just happen, and sometimes you just have to keep searching. That’s all for that dream job that we envision in our minds and before landing that dream job, we have to go through some not so dream jobs to get there. But it’s always good to have an idea of what you want and what to look for when searching for a job. If you have been working for a while, you’ve probably figured out what works for you but if it’s still your first few, here are some things to look for when you go on that job hunt.

Flexible working hours


Many organisations practice a strict policy when it comes to the working hours, and over time you get into a routine of doing things when you are given a time slot to start and finish work. Although some organisations practice this differently. There are some that allow a window of time within which you can arrive and leave work. This appeals to those who seek work life balance because sometime the responsibilities at home are as high as that of work. And that chance to have a little extra time to come to work makes a huge difference. Although not many organisations practice this in Sri Lanka there are some companies that even allow employees to work from home. This might be the best thing to happen to some but the worst for others. Because staying at home doesn’t mean any less of work, it’s just that you will be working from the comforts your own home without limiting yourself to office space in a building. For those who enjoy working from home this will be the perfect fit but for those who would like a little break from home, flexible hours would be a better pick.

A space for creativity


A work environment with routine tasks can get boring very easily. Instead, if you were given the chance to be creative and innovative in your contribution towards the organisation it will definitely encourage you to invest more of your time and at the same time enjoy what you do. So if you’re a creative person, maybe consider looking for place that might let you put your talents to good use. Sometimes even smallest chance to voice your opinions or your thoughts can make a huge difference.



It’s never too late to start moving up the ladder. So always search for a place that will offer you the chance to gain something extra. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a promotion or financial benefits, even a new experience in a different field can always add something more. It is always the comfortable choice to work in the same position, but no matter how hard change could get, it can add little interesting spin to your routine work. Once we get comfortable in our box, it’s harder to break through, so always search for a place that will offer you the chance to keep moving forward or the chance to experience something new.



A work environment that will give you that extra push to put in that extra effort is always a better choice than the place that just doesn’t make any effort whatsoever. As employee we all try to give our 100% to the organisation but when we feel that things just go unnoticed it pulls us back from giving it that 110% that we know we can do. A supportive background that will empower you to achieve something more and notices you for the contribution you make will keep you determined in achieving the goals you’ve set.

Comfortable work environment


A comfortable work environment can mean different things to different people. For some it can be the people; how supportive and friendly they are, or how comfortable the work station is or it can even be the location of the organisation. Whatever it is that makes you want to get up and go to work should be a good enough reason to choose that organisation. After all we spend a vast majority of our day within the workplace we chose. So if it’s not the best you might end up pulling yourself to work each day. It’s always a good choice to maybe do a bit of research on the work atmosphere before you make that choice.

This is just a few points to look out for when you’re on the hunt for new opportunity or if you’re just starting out in the professional world. It all sounds perfect on paper but in reality it is hard to find a single place that will be the perfect match. But the possibilities are high when you know what you’re looking for. So have a clear idea of what you want and you will not end up settling for less.

  • Read 7073 times
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 31 May 2016 04:27
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