Feel connected at work with just a simple email campaign

Feel connected at work with just a simple email campaign

As the workload increases it is natural to feel disconnected from the rest. To many this is a lonely feeling where it is just a routine work and home schedule that becomes rather boring. An engaged atmosphere promotes innovative ideas and enables higher levels of productivity. Promoting an engaged culture creates a pleasant environment for the employees. It will not be just the salary at the end of the month motivating them to come to work, but the culture that makes them feel welcomed. A simple email campaign can help you start with the change.

Introduce something new

If you find that the work environment needs a bit of an upgrade, culture wise. Organising a few team events will be a good opportunity for everyone to get acquainted. These do not necessarily have to be grand events with expensive prizes, but rather fun activities that will get everyone into the team spirit. It can be a quiz, a scavenger hunt, carom/chess tournament or event something more physical like a basketball or cricket match. This will make the time spent in office a bit more exciting. Encourage team outings, birthday celebration and even company celebration to create a relaxed culture within the organisation. Create an organizing committee and start with an introductory email.

Make it fun!

Nobody enjoys a dull event where no one knows what’s happening. Between the introductory email and the event date, send a few teaser emails to get the hype going. Every one of these emails needs to be short and sweet, very attractive and quite frequent. Introduce the teams, get them to pick names of their choice and make is as fun as possible. Introduce new staff, have simple invitation for company events or even a TGIF email, encouraging an impromptu team meet up. Get the emails going, keeping in mind that it shouldn’t be every day. It is fun that we are looking for and not another spam. Know the right balance between interesting and too much.

Keep it going!

A campaign doesn’t mean it should come to a sudden halt. Keep things moving and continue on after a break with another exciting project or announcement. The motive is to keep the employees interested and introduce a relaxed and engaged culture where it is not just work. Find creative ways to encourage employees to be involved with the company activities. A bit of research will help you keep things exciting. Organisation lay emphasis on productivity and this has become another interesting method to keep the employees motivated while having a good time.

In the process of building a strong brand name among the industry with quality work and increase productivity many lose some of the most important aspects of an organisation. The culture is among the most underrated aspects and many struggle to maintain an engaged workforce without knowing the right way to make it happen. Little things go a long way and simple efforts to make the employees feel the belonging feeling can give the kick start to your employee engagement activities.

  • Read 7192 times
  • Last modified on Thursday, 09 March 2017 07:13
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