Tips to Collect Better Employee Feedback

Tips to Collect Better Employee Feedback

There are so many findings related to employee happiness and all of them are proved that when employees are happy they are more productive. Current employees maybe take fewer sick leaves but still, they are more productive and stay longer at their jobs. This helps to reduce hiring costs in any organisation. But when it comes to finding out if your employees are happy, organisations have a hard time. This might get bigger when the organisation continues to grow.

When it comes to evaluating employees ‘Yes’, most of the companies practice that, but the struggle comes when collecting feedback from employees. Collecting feedback needs to be done systematically and that process helps employees to feel that they have a voice inside the organisation. Here are a few tips to collect feedback without any trouble or taking up too much time.  

1. Bring back the suggestion box

Anyone can think the suggestion box is old school, but this is the best way to anonymously collect feedback from employees. Anonymity itself is important because some employees face embarrassment if what they say is undisguised. You can bring a suggestion box into 21st century by creating an anonymous online feedback form that employees can fill that on their leisure. You can customise it but make sure you include important questions like “What is your suggestion?” and “what benefits your suggestion bring?” By having these types of options you can gather a vast number of information and ideas to improve your work station efficiency and strategies.

2. Distribute in-depth employee satisfaction surveys

It’s very useful if you can get feedback on specific areas on your company. Like processes and procedures, food and perks, workplace environment, supplies, management styles and any areas in which you need to be evaluated. Above mention suggestion tool is more qualitative but this has to be more quantitative. 

Organisations can assign scale rating to the questions and in that way, the company can measure the success of their overall work structure. If you got a 2.8 out of 10, then you have the data to make improvements. If you are using a mobile platform to circulate the form, you can quickly get your surveys into the hands of employees who don’t always work inside the office.  

3.Conduct one-on-one meetings with employees

To get constructive feedback it’s very useful if you can meet individually with your employees. This method can help your organisation to prevent so many internal and external problems. Ask your employees casually how they feel, how they think about the company, which can be improved further and what would make them happier. For a tip, consider doing one-on-one meetings while going for work or lunch. It releases the tension of the employees and it directs to a better conversation, better feedback.  

4.Hold regular member meetings

Member meeting is the best way to distribute company information among their employees. This also helps to openly discuss employee suggestions. Some employees are more comfortable discussing improvements in a group meeting, where other members can support their suggestions. If there are suggestions that need to be shared by groups of employees, member meetings are the most effective move to take.  

In any company, management can have blinds spots, but make sure you will identify that before employees leave the company because of that. By implementing the above simple affordable methods for collecting feedback from employees, your company will have a chance to improve productivity and profits.

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