Creativity is a key to make your Company Christmas Party a memorable experience

Creativity is a key to make your Company Christmas Party a memorable experience

Every year we get lots of requests to help out with hints and tips on how to plan a Company Christmas Party. So we have gathered our resources to provide you with lots of ideas to make this year’s holiday party safe, fun and memorable experience for you and your co-workers. These ideas are designed for both large companies with great budgets as well as small businesses with minimum resources.


Do not focus your energy solely on the buffet, thinking food is what draws workers to the Christmas parties, the attendance will drop off because those parties are predictable.

The most deadly type of holiday party is a sit-down dinner at the boss’s house, which often has a pressure-filled conservative atmosphere. Try having a different entertainment each year. Holiday party hosts can play a major role in keeping their friends and families safe by looking at alternatives to alcoholic beverages. There are a few common sense rules that should be followed when hosting a holiday party. If alcohol is going to be served at a party, this Safe Holiday Party Guide will give you a few pointers when planning an event.

Organise & Prepare

You can start by sending out the invitations with a note included that there will be a prize for the person that decks out in the most Christmas gear. This can include anything from a Christmas costume to guests wearing garments that display cheerful holiday clothing, jewelry, hats, or anything that their imagination can dream up. The person that shows up to your party that is voted by all as wearing the “best dressed” Christmas outfit wins a wrapped gift of their choice from the gift table.

You can have a designated receptionist announce the names of each new arrival, crown them with a Santa hat with their name, while reading something humorous about them. This works great especially at large corporate parties when customers or large number of employees participate and not everyone knows each other. First names on Santa Hats work much better than name badges and the hats then double as party favors everyone gladly takes home.

But the energy of the party starts with the invitations…. or Christmas Greeting cards… one of our customers had a great idea to take a picture of all employees in Santa hats, personalized with employees names and use the postcard as a corporate Christmas card as well as Christmas party invitation for their customers. The Hats were then saved for the holiday party gala.


Make sure you have some fun program with games and activities for your Holiday Party. Our holiday party activity guide has many Christmas party games to spruce up the event. Also make sure you have some great Christmas Party music. Most Christmas CD’s on the market are geared towards slow tunes, not much of a Party time material, so we have compiled some really original Christmas party tunes that will make you a star Christmas party DJ! If you head over to our Myspace page, we have some really cool Christmas music there. You need to click on the MENU button to move around the playlist: lots of fun Christmas mixes and remixes to choose from!

If you like this Christmas party music mix - You can play it at your Christmas Party! Just head over to our Myspace where you can find info on our blog how to save these songs on your computer and use your laptop to DJ your Christmas Party. …. and don’t forget to say high there!

Also, don’t forget to wrap the party up with a take-home gift party favor, such as a personalized stocking or a custom logo Christmas stocking with a gift certificate, a turkey or even an ornament with the company logo.

Those custom imprint Christmas Stockings with your company logo are perfect decorations in the Christmas party room and then when it’s time to leave you can give the stockings with Christmas bonus checks or Gift Certificates to your employees and some fun goodies like Company Logo ornaments for your customers and guests.

Finally, gather as many pictures from the party as possible, post them on the company bulletin board or a corporate website so the employees can share the experience with their families, customers or anyone who missed the party.

We’d love to hear from you, you can post your comments and ideas here :-)


  • Read 16068 times
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 08 December 2015 06:43
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