The Disney characters you will meet at work

The Disney characters you will meet at work

There are many different personalities that we come across at work. Some become our best friends some our enemies and some acquired tastes where it’s only limited to an occasional “hello” in the hallway. No matter how unbearable or pleasant these personalities are, you are stuck with them until you leave the office. In reality we all enjoy these personalities as they bring life and flavor to what could be the possibly the most boring hours of your day.

After spending a good amount of time thinking of what creative names one could use for these different personalities the best approach, were Disney characters. It’s not too harsh, and its one thing we all associate with the most wonderful time of our lives, our childhood. So what will it look like when the Disney characters head to work?


A timid character that has both the elements of innocence and dedication within them. These are usually your trainees and interns. They are new and they are excited to work. Bright eyed and bushy tailed! They stand confident and basically will take on any task or challenge they come across. Excited about the beginning of their professional career, nothing will ever stop them from trying to impress the people at work. Brand new and shiny with a smile up on their faces.

Bay max

The character that overwhelms the audience with its cute personality. Polite and with a genuine sense of sweetness. There are a handful personalities that are genuinely sweet and polite within the work environment. They are an absolute delight to work with and always brighten your day. They understand office etiquettes and follow them with grace. Among some of those who have no respect towards others these people definitely stand out.


One of the evil characters that enjoys watching people suffer with their immense abuse of power. Although there aren’t people that can work magic or create potions in the workplace there are a few that enjoy watching people suffer. They are usually the ones that start a fire and sit back and watch it burn. They appear to be the friendly kind but loves creating conflicts and making it hard for people to survive. A dangerous character to talk, associate with and someone, people should be very careful around. Because you never know when or where the explosion might start


The smart and business minded character that dreams of having her own shop one day. Driven by knowledge and self-confidence these are typically your entrepreneurs who seek an opportunity in every scenario. A conversation takes a very natural flow with them and keeps you interested and informed. They know what they are doing and has a good sense both practical and theoretical knowledge about a lot more than just what they do for a living. They outsmart a lot of people are genuinely good at what they do.

The Beast

A strong character that is rough around the edges. Although no one from work will turn into a handsome prince at the end we sometime encounter beast like personalities with a prince charming stuck within. A personality that appear tough on the outside but has a soft spot that people don’t often experience. They maintain a tough exterior and a sense of discipline when it comes to their professional career but at certain moments lets the soft side surface. These personalities take things very seriously and only a few times will you see a fun side where they completely let go.

Flynn Ryder

The thief with smoldering good looks who is a little too self-obsessed. Although there aren’t any thieves around the office (At least we hope so!) there are some that we know of, who are a little too obsessed about themselves. They are your typical boasters who love to grace everyone with good story about themselves. They love taking up the time and making sure we know that the story is all about them. They usually love photographs and well majority of the office photos are of them. As long as they are in the story or photograph whatever it may be, they will love it.


A cheery character with the right sense of humor. Only a few people know how exactly to lighten a mood with a good sense of humor. There’s always that one person who is able to put a good spin on a rather dull moment and brighten it instantly. Not the awkward jokes that make the crowd feel weird but a good joke that leaves everyone with a good laugh. The goofiest personalities that can cheer up everyone no matter how bad the situation might be.


One of the most Optimistic and caring characters. There is that one person that we know from work who genuinely cares about everyone. They are the ones that bring you a warm cup of tea when you’re sick and always seems to have a soothing word or two make you feel better. They are never negative, always seeing the best of the worst situations and has the capacity smile through even the hardest of times. It’s a delight to have them around because when you’re feeling bit down they just know how to make you feel better.

On a typical day at work how many of these characters do you encounter? These are just a few of the many character you will meet. They have blended into our day and we almost don’t notice these qualities unless we really think about it.

So if all the Disney characters head to work the work place will have a colorful variety of all these different personalities. And just like in every movie they all come together in the end.

  • Read 8383 times
  • Last modified on Thursday, 31 March 2016 07:53
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