Why employers reject salary increase requests

Why employers reject salary increase requests

Being the perfect manager is in no means feat. Taking high responsibilities, resolving critical situations and managing teams while meeting company expectations are some of the tasks that a good manager needs to master. Among everything that normally stresses an employer, salary increase requests stand out as one of the most challenging ones to deal with.

It is quite evident that rejecting a salary increase request is disappointing for the employee. And the outcomes can be so detrimental that it could even hinder the chemistry between the employee and his/her boss. But what we often fail to understand as employees is that the process of increasing one’s salary is a somewhat complicated one. Here, it is important to know that, usually, your boss does not have the sole power to take decisions regarding your salary on his own.

See below a few of the reasons that might drive your manager to reject your salary increase request:


One of the first things that your manager is going to look at when asked for a salary raise is your overall performance since the last time you had an increase. Have you been meeting the company expectations? Have you over-performed in your duties? Have you been proactive and creative when solving problems within your projects? Do you fit well with the company team and culture?

Generally, in every organization, from startups to large scale multinational companies, matters related to the employees’ salaries are taken into consideration based on their performance and work ethics. It is quite evident that offering an increment for an underperforming employee can cause a sense of inequality for the rest of the employees.

Company Budgets

Besides the employee’s performance, one major factor that influences the decision of increasing employee salaries is the company budgets, which are normally set at the beginning of the company’s fiscal year. Company budgets are usually set either yearly or quarterly. Hence, sudden salary increases which are not budgeted for the relevant company year might be more difficult to take into consideration.

Market Standards

The other important factor employees should be aware of is the salary benchmark for a specific designation in a specific market. How much does a Marketing Manager earn, in general, in Sri Lanka? Am I on that average, above or below? How far can I stretch the benchmark considering my performance and capabilities?

Employee Longevity

  1. When given a salary increase request, employers generally pay attention to the working period of the individual. The board of management is skeptical to increase the salary of an employee who is most likely to leave the organization in a couple of months. Hence this can be another common reason as to why employers tend to reject salary increase requests.
  2. Increase requests based on personal matters
  3. Last but not the least, approaching employers with personal reasons to raise one’s salary might not be the best idea if you want to have a positive answer. It is important to note that salary increments are not meant to be made for personal reasons. If you need the money to support your family, pay your debts or afford your kid’s education, make sure your performance is outstanding so that you can approach your manager with great achievements instead of personal reasons for a salary increase.

Guest Article By: everjobs.lk

  • Read 6765 times
  • Last modified on Friday, 02 June 2017 04:49
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