Getting fired is not as bad as you think

Getting fired is not as bad as you think

One of the biggest fears of most employees is being asked to resign or simply being fired. We tend to think that the situation will affect our career and resume, and it will have major damages to our self-confidence. We feel that we are going to hit rock bottom especially when you are teemed with responsibilities. But over the past few years, several incidents have proved that this can happen even to the best employees without necessarily being their fault. And, the perfect example for this is when Steve Jobs was fired from his initial role at Apple.

Being fired from your job doesn’t necessarily have to be because of bad behavior or lack of performance. It can also be due to a personality or relationship conflict with your employers or the higher authorities deciding to reduce their staff.

In the end, what’s important or what really matters is how you deal with the situation. It is always important to understand that decisions regarding to your career should not be made based on emotional factors.

What should you “not” do after getting fired?

If you ever come across a situation where you are being fired from your company, your initial goal should always be to understand how you can make things right and get back in track. Being fired is not the end of your life or career. Hence understand that this should not break you down but help you rise up stronger by realizing your mistakes and amending them.

Instead of making the situation worse by making decisions based on how you feel at that moment, take a step back to analyze what really went wrong. Is it really your fault? If so the first step should be to take initiatives to overcome the issue. But if you do not have the power to change the end result, there is absolutely no point dwelling in the situation.

Avoid giving birth to negative consequences by carrying negative comments and reeling over the situation to your employers, friends, family and your next job. Avoid bad mouthing your employers on social media as it may hurt your professionalism.

Neutralize your anger

The pressure, anxiety, self-pity and the state of depression that comes along with being fired with no surprise can level up your anger. However, the best way to deal with the situation is to not let negativity hinder you from making the next decision in your career. Walking into your next interview with anger and talking ill about your former organization can only give a bad impression about you to the HR or management interviewing you. Also take note that speaking ill about your former organization will leave a bad stain in your reputation obstructing you from landing on another job.

Have a conversation with your boss

Having a casual conversation with your former employer to understand the reason behind the firing will definitely help you face the situation better. Employers are quick to fire their employees as soon as things go wrong. But it is highly important to understand the reasons and make things clear. It will not only help you minimize your weaknesses and take corrective actions to make sure it doesn’t happen again in future, but will also help you grow and develop yourself to face bigger challenges in your career. Thereafter, foster a better understanding and a positive relationship with your boss. Learn that burning bridges with your former organization can cause detrimental effects on your work life.

Turn to others who have been fired if you think working things out is hard

During similar situations you might often find it hard to get back on your feet. But never hesitate to seek help. And the best move would be to talk to people who have already gone through the same process. Make it a learning experience to understand more about you and how to overcome worse situations. Talk to people and ask them how they dealt with the situation and how they faced their next interviews.

Don’t underestimate yourself as a result of the situation

It is quite evident that getting fired can damage your confidence immensely. Underestimating yourself and doubting yourself will only make things worse not letting you make the best of decisions for your future. So avoid clouding your mind with negative thoughts by comparing yourself and belittling yourself. The best way to get over being fired is to analyze the factors that forged the situation and learn how you can avoid facing such negative incidents in future.

Resumes and cover letters

When updating your resume and cover letters for your next interview, it is not necessary to mention that you were fired. Make sure you pay attention to your strengths and weaknesses, develop and advance your strengths while making an effort to minimize the weaknesses. Make sure to face your next interview with confidence. Highlight the position you are applying for and the reason why you are the ideal candidate for that particular position.

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