It’s time to stand up.

It’s time to stand up.

It is a common ideology that every individual from childhood is thought their manners. Simple things like being polite, please and thank you is believed to be basic principles that is embedded in one. As much as this is true, the question to be asked is that up to what extent is this actually followed. Unfortunately, we live in a society where meeting people who ignore such manners is inevitable.

While most of the time this is something that many people tend to think of as rude behavior, one may also believe that a severe form of this could lead to aggression and abuse.

Even though rude and abusive behavior can be identified as two separate scenarios, certain people link it to certain reasons and expect the same response in return to it. At present we witness many people opening up regarding such behavior on social media and public platforms, but what needs to be understood is that this has been a problem from the past and not just present.

As we see society gradually divide in to 2 segments, a crucial situation arises as one party takes advantage of well-mannered or in simpler terms nice people by doing whatever it is they want without the slightest concern about the other person.

This may be a general day to day event which we tend to ignore but now starting to spread rapidly in workplaces as well.

The two sides to the story

We all tend to wonder as to why such things happen and why there is no one to put a stop to it. When taking the opinion of the one who is rude it sounds similar to,” We can do what we want because we don't have to interact with these people again.” But on the other hand what about the victim? He could also think the same and raise his opinion to put a stop. No, often this does not take place. What happens is that usually the manners of this person tends to overtake and make the individual feel rude to express.

The workplace scenario

The workplace as we all know is a place where all try to be nice at least in order to maintain a smooth flow of work. Unfortunately, once again it can be taken advantage of during some situations. Being rude or abusive may come as a nature of that person or with proper intention. No matter what the reason is the basic HR procedure is to not encourage it and take necessary action. Once again the question arise, “how often do people actually follow this?”

Many victims of such incidents tend to ignore it as they feel that it would not happen again or more frankly, the fear of losing their job or rising of workplace problems take over.

During the past few days, social media has been flooding with stories with the trending hashtag #MeToo where employees reveal experiences regarding workplace abuse.

While many organisations feel quite threatened through this, the simple thought is that why wait till things go too far. An employee can always politely acknowledge rude or abusive behavior by just saying ‘NO’. To all those scared this does not make you rude but whereas shows that you do not encourage such behavior. At the same time it’s up to HR and the respectable parties to keep an eye for such scenarios and address it in the right manner. For the person wondering about ‘What if that person finds out I complained?’ it’s time to realise ‘what if this goes too far?’. It’s great that people have realised and started to voice their opinion with #MeToo on social media but at the same time it’s important to think why wait till you have a #MeToo story and not just put a stop before it starts.

Its time people learned that rudeness in all situations doesn't have to be tolerated. And, it's not rude to ask people to cease being rude.

There’s nothing worse than too late.” - Charles Bukowski

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