It’s all about personal branding: Pick a Boss not a Job

It’s all about personal branding: Pick a Boss not a Job

The job search can be a very strenuous process for any individual. You have expectations regarding responsibilities, rewards, goals and various other perks. In the process of achieving these expectations we usually tend to forego the reality. The reality of working with others in order to achieve these expectations and the main person standing your way would be the Boss!

Picking your boss is not a common scenario where as it’s the opposite that take place. Moving with the trend, millennials are said to look into more career opportunities where they give more importance to the personality and traits of the potential boss rather than the perks of the job. The most likely reason would be due the famous saying, “A boss who doesn’t trust you wouldn’t give you the opportunity to grow.”

From the organisational perspective it is important that they revolve with the emerging trends moving towards the era of millennials. This means focusing on the personal branding of the interviewer or rather the boss. Personality is known to be something that needs to come naturally from the person, but fortunately at present there are pointers that can be taken into consideration to groom oneself in order to create an ideal image.

Communication is key

What needs to be understood is that the interviewee analyses you the same way you scrutinise them. Whether it is verbal communication or non-verbal communication, it is important that one portrays themselves as the ideal brand ambassador for the organisation. No candidate wants to work under someone who does not have the ability to express his opinion, leadership qualities and ideas that motivate the person to be a part of the team. One needs to show and develop the interest in the mind of the candidate as to how things are been done within the department and what is expected to be followed. From the way you talk, your gestures and even your attire gives out information for the candidate to evaluate the ability of their career potential in the organisation. Keeping in mind to use a friendly and casual tone is vital throughout the entire process as well.

Be a good listener

Millennials and generation Z are known to be opinionated and expect to be heard out and taken into consideration. This means the role of the interviewer is to be a good listener and let the candidate give out his views and ideas. At the same time getting an idea regarding the career goals and objectives of the interviewee gives you the opportunity to identify as to how it can be matched with the organisational goals and can be used to further develop the team. Not providing the opportunity to express and clear his or her doubt stand as a black mark to the entire organisation as it gives out a self-centered idea to the candidate.

Manage your social media

It’s a well-known fact that like the organisation conducts a background search on its candidates, so does the candidates on their boss or the interviewer. From LinkedIn to Facebook to Twitter, all profiles are carefully scrutinized in order to find out about the personality and characteristics of their potential boss. As a result being conscious of ones activities on social media becomes highly important. Giving two different personalities during the interview and on social media is not going to fool anyone. Rather it brings out a negative impression on the individual and towards the organisation as he stands as a representative. The last person a millennial wants to work for is a person who cannot be genuine.

Keeping in mind that attracting the best of talent to be a part of your team highly depends on the side of the boss as well, one can say it’s more important not to be reluctant towards the idea of millennials picking a boss and not a job, but whereas use it towards your advantage.

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