Following the K.I.S.S principle at work!

Following the K.I.S.S principle at work!

Let’s face it in today’s world no individual has time to spare. Running against time in order to survive in the industrial competition has become paramount to all. Hence the most practical and feasible solution for any organisation to follow in order keep up with the emerging trends would be to follow the K.I.S.S principle which is commonly referred to as “keep It Short and Simple”. Whether it’s communication or organisation behavior, this principle can become handy at any point.

“Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple.” - C. W. Ceran

Like the quote above keeping things simple does not necessarily mean you are lazy to do your task, but whereas you’re smart enough to find the more simple solution


Given below are few areas where this principle could be applied at any organisation.

• Communication:

Communication is key for any successful organisation to run smoothly making it important that all messages travel quickly on time to the relevant party. If looked into carefully, direct communication is the best option. With the prevailing trends the open door policy is considered to give out positive results in relation to effective communication. Giving the opportunity to freely communicate with others levels in the organisational hierarchy empowers and motivates employees to have and share their opinions, encourage two-way feedback and emphasize that their opinions will not affect their standing in the organization.

Establishing an internal social network has a flattening effect on corporate hierarchy, enabling and encouraging people to connect with each other. It also helps your company search, source, identify, and consolidate employee skill-sets.

• Policies and Procedures:

"If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself." – Albert Einstein

Policies and procedures determine as to how efficiently an organisation runs. This stands as the foundation for various functions and activities conducted by employees, hence it is obvious that these fundamentals need to be simple and understandable. Complex policies are going to make it strenuous and tiresome for employees to focus and follow with their busy schedules. As a result the easier it is the more effective it becomes from the employee perspective.

• Organisation Culture:

A simple and friendly culture always tends to make employees feel more free and comfortable at their workplace encouraging them to do their work more effectively than usual. It makes it easier to get along with other colleagues and at the same time a good organisational culture can always work as good employer branding making it an advantage.

• Goals and Objectives:

Goals and objectives can be identified as the main driving force of any organisation. From an organisational level to an individual level, it is important that goals and objectives need to be very specific and brief as much as it is important to be achievable and realistic. That’s one of the main reasons as to why many leaders believe that goals and objectives need to be ‘SMART’. Meaning it needs to be Short, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound. Following this simple format is definitely going to make it simpler to achieve your goals and guaranteed to give better results than a complex one that can make an individual drown in stress.

  • Read 7676 times
  • Last modified on Wednesday, 07 February 2018 10:43
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