Learn from the devil herself

Learn from the devil herself

Most of us tend to watch movies as a source of entertainment and relaxation. It usually helps to get our mind of the stressful reality and transports us into a virtual world where we see the happiness, tears, love, drama and action but aren’t directly a part of it, which in my defense is the best part of it. While most of these movies can be motivational, some movies may not directly give us any feeling of such. But if you carefully think about it every movie gives us some hidden tips on how to handle reality.

One such movie would be the ever famous 2006 release, “The Devil Wears Prada”. This movie portrays typical workplace scenarios and turned out to be iconic for its lessons on workplace survival from onboarding to off boarding.

Lesson #1: Always be prepared.

No matter what the job is, it is always important to do your research and background check regarding your job and the organisation itself. This may be your dream job which makes you super excited to just get an interview but still it is beast to get much details as possible right. After all the glamour what is displayed may not be actual scenario faced. The audience is given a clear picture of this with Andrea’s first experience at Runway Magazine.

Lesson #2: Dress to impress.

Even though there is a famous phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, whether you like it or not dressing plays a key role in creating your identity. Unfortunately, this applies to every industry and not just fashion. Andrea had to learn that what she wore to work gave off a certain impression, and to dress the part meant people would take her more seriously, especially Miranda. May be you don’t need to go into too much detail like knowing the different shades of blue but clothing possesses a talismanic quality, a transformative power. Put on a smart suit or a pair of stylish heels and you are instantly more commanding. Deals can be signed or broken, promotions gained or lost, all by the hem of a skirt or a creaseless shirt. The film, at its best, captures the anxiety, and the magic, of dressing up.

Lesson #3: Try to fit in but don’t but still be yourself.

The first thing every new recruit tries to do is fit in. While getting to know the surroundings they also try to impress all and blend in as quickly as possible. Amidst all there is one thing that is paramount that is shown throughout the movie. It takes a while for the Andrea who is fresh out of college, with no work experience to fit in with the power players at the fashion magazine and while taking outrageous orders from her “boss from hell”. It seems Andrea would go to great lengths to impress her boss. But through it all, Andrea delivers the tasks while holding her head up high and keeping her integrity in check.

Lesson #4: Find a mentor.

A new environment can be difficult to get used to hence the ideal solution to this would be to find your Nigel. Fresh out of school Andrea could have never fit in at the magazine without the help of uber-stylist, Nigel. He takes her under his wings, shows her the ropes, and guides her when it comes to handling her boss with care after all, Nigel has been Miranda’s right-hand man at the magazine for decades and therefore knows what makes her tick. This person does not need to be from the same department as you. All you need is a person who knows in and out of the place and can guide you throughout. At present most organisation’s tend to include this on their onboarding process as well.

Lesson #5: You may not get praised all the time but stay cool.

The movie shows a scene where Nigel says to crying Andrea who hasn’t received any praise or recognition from Miranda, “Why do you expect that people should cry for you?” Even though you might work with all dedication and passion, there might be moments of frustration where you feel you are just not appreciated. It is at that moment that one needs to understand that in reality people recognize passion and earnestness, but may not keep expressing their appreciation every single time. Like Andrea had Emily, I am pretty sure majority have a toxic colleague who are not there to help anyone else but themselves. Yet she remained polite and calm throughout the torturous job. She let their snide remarks about her appearance go and in the end, she won.

Lesson #6: Always remember your goal.

Even though Andrea gets carried away for a short time with all the distractions, her dream job was never to become an editor of a fashion magazine. She also knew that this job was changing her into a person she didn’t like, and she had the foresight to get out before it was too late.

Lesson #7: Always end on good terms.

Even though Andrea decides to leave her position at the magazine, as a result of maintaining her determined attitude throughout and remaining professional, her boss also known as the most powerful woman in the fashion industry recommends her for a position at another publication.

One might feel it’s time for a change, but it’s important to make sure that you leave your current job on good terms. It's critical to have your former boss’ approval and recognition, as it can make or break future job opportunities. You never know when you will require your former boss or coworkers to vouch for you.

  • Read 6104 times
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 06 March 2018 05:56
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