The human & technology balance at work.

The human & technology balance at work.

With technology taking over most aspects of work and life in general, we often tend to value the technological benefits over that of human. Impressed with what technology can do to make life better or easier, we follow the constant waves of technological changes that happen almost every day. Within those waves we sometimes overlook the human and tech balance that is vital for an organisation’s functioning. One aspect of either human or technology lagging will make changes to the infrastructure, causing irreversible long term damage. Much like most companies’ procedures, this too is process that requires attention from time to time. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Work atmosphere

Most of the mistakes begin from little changes we make to the work space that an employee spends majority of his/her day in. We almost let technology take over our senses without even noticing. Blinds on widows to fluorescent lights take over majority of our day. Creating a space where employees are able to connect with the outside world while working will help with a relaxed mind that will promote creativity and productivity within the workspace. The frequency of which we get up and walk on a daily basis and the amount of time we speak to another matters in the long run. Within an environment where everyone has their faces glues to a computer screen, human contact and a little bit of fresh air and sun light will make a difference in many ways. A quite gloomy space with nothing but machines will affect the organisation’s human element creating a ripple effect on business activities that require them.

Technology Usage

In the pursuit of identifying easier ways to manage the day to day task we often go in search of an application that can do it for us. This applies to many scenarios in the work place where many resort to an application or google search get the work moving faster. How often do we pause to monitor what we use and its need of existence? With just a mere recommendation from a friend or colleague we hop on the latest application or website to help us get through the day. It almost feels like everything has an effortless alternative in technology which is by all means a good thing. Which is why organisations’ should identify the technological requirements and provide them before employees resort to their own form of research. Promote a connected workspace where, everyone in the company has a common platform to share and reach out to one another. Applications that will become an internal networking tool for anyone to freely connect and engage with. The latest addition to the game is Juraa an ESN, or an Enterprise Social Network that is an interactive platform for work, where employees can connect effortlessly.

Valued experiences

Everyone has a unique interpretation of what they consider work to be. For some it is a responsibility, or a commitment, for some it’s an experience and there are other who consider it just a mere life line to earn a pay. This does not derive entirely from perspective or attitude, it has to do with what they associate work with as well. If they don’t find that their contribution is values or if their experiences around work have not been pleasant their attitude towards it will take a negative turn. Consider building a space where the employees feel values and appreciated for the contribution they make regardless of it proportion. An atmosphere where people would associate with a second home, a comfortable culture where everyone enjoys the everyday experiences. After all when those machines shut down and the lights turn off, it is only the workforce that will become the backbone of the organisation.

Partner vs rival

If your organisation moves fast in the technology ladder, and you worry that the transition may be alarming consider easing the employees in. A sudden drop will create a splash that you might not be able to control but dipping the toe in gradually will make things easier. As the workspace become more and more technology based, consider making it a companion to the workforce instead of the thing that became a competitor. Organise informative programs that will educate the crowd of what’s to come or what the future may look like. Every organisation has a variety of personalities, and while some may be thrilled to have a certain aspects integrated, others might oppose to the thought of it. Keep them updates of the changes that happen around the world and within organisations and encourage them to do personal research and suggest areas that may need improvement in their point of view.

Much like work life balance that many of us still strive to achieve, with technology taking over, human and technology balance becomes the next hurdle that many organisation prepare to leap over. With a workforce that consist of multiple generation with many different opinions about the changes, the workspace becomes a place with many challenges to conquer. Consider the importance of both elements and allow gradual improvements in both human and technological aspects to create a healthy balance within the organisation.

  • Read 6305 times
  • Last modified on Wednesday, 02 May 2018 07:35
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