The common lies that all interview candidates say

The common lies that all interview candidates say

No matter how many times you go through an interview there’s always going to be that feeling of nervousness within you every time you walk into the room. Grant it the first few are bit more terrifying than the rest that follows. Although the feeling is not as strong it doesn’t fade away completely. Its human nature to feel a bit nervous before a milestone that decides the next step in your career. We tend to say some elaborate partial truths that we prepare for ahead of time. From the very first, “how are you today?” “Great!” the rest of the interview is usually pre prepare answers that sometime turn out to be some elaborate truths or just plain lies. And although we are under the impression that we are fooling the interviewer its fair bet to say that it’s not the first time that persons hears the same story.

The reason for leaving the last position


This becomes a rather sensitive subject for some who had been fired from their previous jobs. But that does not mean that you have to bend the truth when you express it during an interview. Lying about the reason of leaving the previous job will not change anything. But instead it becomes an uncomfortable conversation to have and may even lead to a bad first impression. Although you may elaborate on your answer as to why you left, the real reason will eventually come out when they decide to speak to your previous employer. And recruiters always know when you’re lying.

Your interest in the job offer

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Sometime although a specific position seem perfect by the title when you hear more about it might not be the best option for you. If you are not interested in the job that a specific company is offering, you can tell them that it doesn’t necessarily suit your expectations or qualification. Because keeping that to yourself will just be a waste of time. Express your concerns and keep them informed as to why you would decline. It will let them know that you are someone that knows what you want and someone that is straight forward enough to express it.

Salary information and expectations.


This is a very sensitive area for some especially if they were unsatisfied with the previous salary that you earned. So most candidate tend to strategically mention their previous salary to match their expecting amount. If you were unsatisfied with the compensation that you received in the previous job, the best thing would be to mention that you expect a higher pay and that you felt that you were underpaid in the previous role. The recruiter will understand and appreciate your honesty. Because chances are that they either know that you’re lying or find out that you were. It shows that you’re confident about what you bring to the table and the level of knowledge and experience that you poses.

Your resume


This single document says a lot about you and your capabilities. Many have the habit of over exaggerating on the skills that we actually poses. You might not be as extremely well versed in Microsoft Excel as your resume would say. Although you feel the need to take it up a notch when it comes to our resume, extending what might be the truth to a level where it reaches the level of a mild lie. This will be plus point at an interview but a drawback when it comes to actual work, as it will bring you back a step than the company expects from you.



The entire interview process is a long professional conversation, granted that you are being judged based on the answers. Although that’s that case, it you treat it like a professional conversation it would flow a bit smoother than a practiced answer would. This has to come from the interviewee as well as the interviewer. Some interview take almost a robotic feel with the level of professionalism that they bring to it. When in reality none of us are at such a professional level when we are at work. So speak from yourself and your experience and not from prepared answers from the internet.

The level of confidence and honesty that you take to the table will determine the first impression that you give the interviewer. So instead of preparing yourself for all the potential questions prepare yourself for a professional conversation with a potential colleague or supervisor. And remember they have heard every lie in the book, so you’re just fooling yourself.

  • Read 6766 times
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 05 April 2016 05:15
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