HR Tomorrow!

HR Tomorrow!

Achieving excellence.

Talent acquisition, training and building the leaders of tomorrow, are key HR constructs of today’s turbulent environment, which is facing a leadership crunch. So how is HR gearing up to deal with this? What are the new innovations HR is looking at?

       Beating Talent Acquisition?

  • Conduct hiring manager focus group.
  • Review current metrics
  • Develop  future state recommendation
  • Define roles and responsibilities in the hiring process
  • Eliminate or minimize manual, redundant, or non-value-add steps
  • Leverage existing technology
  • Identify quick wins to provide momentum for subsequent improvement efforts
  • Develop  implementation plans and  provide communication materials to support a successful roll-out of changes
  • Present organisation al structure changes to support new processes and improve coordination between HR groups
  • Recommend employee engagement and development strategies to improve staff morale and productivity.

For training and building leaders, firstly give the employees identify

  • If they are a Leader or a Manager? As an HRM, the HRM must examine the traits of leadership and the skills necessary to become a leader. Using a process of self- analysis delegates will identify their strengths and weaknesses to increase both team morale and productivity.
  • Motivation theory and practice – HRM will examine the theories which exist on people motivation and show practical ways of motivating teams and individuals.
  • Leadership strategies – It is usually the small things which matter most to people. To show very practical strategies and techniques that will increase leadership skills.

In today’s world, employees are extremely eager to grow learning more and more therefore the competition among employees increase and tomorrow the world will find utter difficulty in selecting the right employee. So HR folks, hurry up and make use of the tips mentioned to achieve excellence!

  • Read 6951 times
  • Last modified on Monday, 07 December 2015 10:02
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