Landing your Dream Job: a few Tips and Tricks

Landing your Dream Job: a few Tips and Tricks

Is there a specific job that you really badly want? And you’d do anything to get it? If so, then you would probably research on the company, watch videos of their events or advertisements and if you have any contacts within the organisation, probably ask them anything and everything about the culture and the people. However, no matter how much you know about the organisation, it is not exactly what employers look for. Firstly, there are three things that you have to maintain on your side of the subject; The Three C’s: Contacts, Credibility and Competence.

You may have wanted to work for this specific company when you first started day dreaming about starting work. But do you have the right contacts to get there? More the contacts, better the chance of getting the job you want. Networking is a must because you would probably hear of job openings that haven’t been advertised yet, and this is a kick-start to your successful career. Asking for referrals will also benefit you immensely as employers tend to be interested in the referred job-seekers.

Reputation is critical. You have to be credible; meaning your reputation and your character should be maintained. Want to be recommended? Maintain your credibility. Everything you do should be of high ethical standards and should be consistent so that whatever people hear (this could be your employer as well) would all be good news. Someone would only recommend you if they are confident about you.

Excel at what you do. You have to have competence; at the end of the day it all comes down to how good you are, and how good you have been in your previous jobs that will get you to the finish line.

When it comes to the employer, they all simply want the same thing; a certain level of skill and a certain level of personality. According to research conducted by Forbes, 86% of an organisation’s new hires failed because of attitudinal reasons while the other 11% failed because of a lack of skill. The way employers see it, skills are important but they can be learnt. However, the personality and the way of thinking is a born trait that employers look for within a potential employee.

  • Read 6470 times
  • Last modified on Monday, 07 December 2015 06:56
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