Congratulations! You got the job! What is the next step?

Congratulations! You got the job! What is the next step?

We all know the pressure and the anxiety faced when looking for a job. Especially if it is your first. You would want it to be great. You would want to work at a top company that is respected among your friends and family. You go through a series of hectic interviews and you get the job you always wanted! That is amazing! Yes, it is a huge relief. However, is it wise to relax, now that the hard part is done? Or is it just beginning?

You are hired. And there is no turning back from there. There are so many challenges you have to face from that point on. In my point of view, the first thing that you have to focus on is giving people the right impression of you. According to experts, it takes around 90 working days for your work colleagues to get a permanent impression of your qualities and behavior within the workplace. So use them well!

Get your priorities right within the organisation; meaning be clear about your job roles and responsibilities. Make sure you know exactly what you have to do or else you will be a lost puppy within a massive organisation. 

Follow the organisation’s culture and habits. You are an employee there now and you are obliged to follow their ways. Get to know your immediate work colleagues, remember faces and names and get comfortable with your work environment. What is incredibly important is maintaining a good 
relationship with your colleagues. It does not have to be only your team or your department. Get cozy with the receptionist or the security guy! Be honest and friendly along with professionalism. 

Develop an image for yourself. Show your colleagues that you are someone who is reliable and punctual; meet your deadlines, handle situations with grace, set goals and objectives and contribute to everything going on within your department. Make sure that your image is positive and everyone 
respects you.

Build your in-house contacts. Be friendly with everyone! Remember names and faces and be kind and humble. Maintaining good relationships with everyone will go a long way and having a 360 degree contact base has its benefits. 

Find the balance within your work life and your private life. Give the same amount of importance to both sectors because hanging out with your family and friends is just as important as working for a living. 

All in all, gain respect, visibility and credibility within the workplace. The first 90 days basically sums up your image for the rest of your career at your organisation so make it a good one!

  • Read 16261 times
  • Last modified on Monday, 07 December 2015 06:42
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