4 Tips on building your brand image in your workplace

4 Tips on building your brand image in your workplace

Every organization has its own brand; they work on promoting their brand among several markets in order to keep up with competition and rise to the top. Similarly, every employee in every organization has their own brand image. They have a reputation to maintain, within their own team as well as among other departments. Developing your personal brand image is essential if you want a career advancement – it is your key identifier and what makes you valuable to an organization.

What is your unique value proposition? : To be noticed and have recognition and respect in your organization, you need to know what unique value you provide and how to connect this value to your organization’s overall goal and mission. Many employees do not see how they are different to others around them, and this is the reason many of them do not get jobs or promotions. Your brand image should be authentic and original. One can see a person’s brand image when their actions are observed when performing specific task. If an employee is passionate about what they do, it becomes part of their brand image.

Ask for feedback: It is important to understand how the people around perceive you as it will enable you to showcase yourself the right way to your audience. In addition to this, having a personal brand image is an essential requirement for leadership positions and will enable your actions to be more effective.

Consistency is key: Once you have made an impression in your organization, it is important to stick to it. Every action you make contributes to your personal brand. This means whatever you post on social media is added as well. Maintaining your physical image as well as virtual image contributes to maintaining your persona brand image throughout.

Promote your brand in person: Promoting yourself on social media is good, but make sure it is done in person as well. This could be participating in industry groups, public speaking or offering to lead a project you might have the skill in. What can you do to promote your brand off the Internet? Whatever your aim or goal is, you need to have a personal brand to some extent. If landing that dream job is what you want, then develop your image to meet the expectations of the job and then you will have it.

  • Read 9613 times
  • Last modified on Friday, 20 November 2015 08:47
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