Tips on managing a multigenerational workforce

Tips on managing a multigenerational workforce

Today’s workforce is becoming more and more multigenerational with the different generations that now exist – Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (Millennials) and even Generation Z. One of the biggest challenges that managers face is finding the right balance in managing and motivating the engagement of multigenerational employees. These diverse generations create difficulties for managers trying to adapt to the work styles, perspectives and motivational factors of each generation. Hence, bridging the gap between each generation is a difficult task to solve. Given below are a few tips that will help managers in increasing the engagement and collaboration of their diversified workforce.

1. Recognize their strengths

It is, no doubt, difficult to keep multigenerational teams productive and focused on the organization’s vision and mission. By identifying the strengths that each generation brings to the table, it makes it simple for managers to delegate tasks accordingly. Millennials are known to be the “tech savvy” employees in organizations around the world. Organizations can make use of this resource to leverage their technological skills in order to achieve better result.

2. Capitalize on differences

There are so many resources on disposal with the introduction of these skills. Organizations can work on capitalizing these resources. Each generation brings something new and co- mentorships will develop an incredible environment and ultimately create employees that are well-rounded. A co-mentorship will most likely result in a productive team that focuses on the vision and the mission of the organization.

3. Provision of training programs

Majority of the employees will embrace the opportunity of receiving a training as they would want to improve their skills set. Since there are four generations in the workforce, people are concerned with job security and will take a huge interest in the opportunity of becoming more presentable and marketable. Providing training programs will incur a high return on investment. Employees will be happy and more confident in their abilities and their increase expertise will benefit the organization.

  • Read 7568 times
  • Last modified on Friday, 20 November 2015 08:46
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