10 Steps to Improve Employee Satisfaction

10 Steps to Improve Employee Satisfaction

Has your organisation been experiencing high levels of employee dissatisfaction? If so, do not fret, for it is quite a trend locally as well as on a global scale. Many organisation s face this problem and often have issues when dealing with it. An employee is usually dissatisfied when

  • The organisation they work for has high cost turnovers
  • Low Profits
  • Lack of focus on customers
  • Inefficiency
  • Low employee treatment

The pattern of employee dissatisfaction would continue or even get worse unless the organisation takes

A new approach to solve their problem.

Follow these steps and notice the results

  1. Firstly, be the kind of employer that every employee wants to be. Do not be patronizing and diplomatic for that will only lower your employee’s liking towards you.
  2. Be involved. Visit your employees often and look over them. Show them that you notice their work and make sure to portray empathy. For example, ask them how their day is.
  3. Communicate the organisation’s functions and responsibilities. Be open and let them feel comfortable with the work environment. Let them feel involved in the strategic functions of the organisation.
  4. Show the employee just how important their work is to the organisation. This gives them a sense of importance and they feel better about themselves and the work they are carrying out.
  5. Give them a purpose. Challenge them with their work. This motivates them in working harder as they want to be on your radar.
  6. Include your employees in the organisation’s functions. Let them communicate their ideas and get their views on yours.
  7. Whenever an employee does well, show them that you noticed. Reward them with a good comment. If an employee is below par, find out why and counsel them.
  8. Provide training and development.
  9. Provide employees with stress relievers. Establishing an employer assistance and motivation program will help employees focus more on their responsibilities while leaving their problems aside. It does not always have to be in monetary terms. Some employees would be content with receiving recognition from their superiors.
  10. Minimize disputes between workers. There will always be drama between coworkers.

The steps given above are just a brief idea of how you can improve the morale and performance of employees in your organisation. There are many methods that you can adopt. Just remember, it is all about keeping your employees satisfaction in contact.

  • Read 6559 times
  • Last modified on Monday, 07 December 2015 08:33
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