7 ways of Eliminating Stress at work

7 ways of Eliminating Stress at work

Why is it important to eliminate stress at work?

Excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and can also impact on to your physical and emotional health which can also ruin interpersonal relationships with co-workers or family members.

Below are 7 different ways to eliminate stress during work.

  •  Take deep Breaths

Especially when you know you have a lot of work to do and do not know where to start from, take a few deep breaths with your eyes closed and think slowly on where exactly you need to start from prioritizing

What needs to be done first?

  • Learn to say “no”

Most of the people have it naturally in them to keep saying “no” for everything but then there are ones who are naturally friendly and finds it hard to say “no”. We should know the limit we are able to handle without taking the responsibility of everything random people gives us. We should finish the given tasks.

  • Prioritize your work

You should always prioritize on what is most urgent and the least urgent. Maintain a diary on the tasks you are assigned to finish within the week so that you would not miss out on any tasks.

  • Eat something in between that keeps you happy

Having a bit of dark chocolate, ice cream or yoghurt in between can make you happy. Try not to eat heavy meals that would make you lazy and uncomfortable to work.

  • Taking a break

There are some days where we need some fresh air, try stepping out for a few minutes to breathe the fresh air or lunching outside can also be helpful in order to feel relived a bit.

  • Have a laugh

Some people may be lucky to have fun during work or have funny work colleagues who would make you smile and laugh. If not find something that would make you laugh at least ones a day. The science bit is that laughter decreases stress hormones like cortical and epinephrine and boosts the immune system.

  • Meditate

Sit up straight with your feet on the ground and breathe in slowly concentrating on your breath. Every breath you take in, think something positive like feel peaceful”. You firstly need to believe in peace to think of it.  “Research suggests that daily meditation may alter the brain’s neural pathways, making you more resilient to stress,” says psychologist Robbie Maller Hartman, PhD, a Chicago health and wellness coach.

  • Read 6497 times
  • Last modified on Monday, 07 December 2015 08:46
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