The human & technology balance at work.

With technology taking over most aspects of work and life in general, we often tend to value the technological benefits over that of human. Impressed with what technology can do to make life better or easier, we follow the constant waves of technological changes that happen almost every day. Within those waves we sometimes overlook the human and tech balance that is vital for an organisation’s functioning. One aspect of either human or technology lagging will make changes to the infrastructure, causing irreversible long term damage. Much like most companies’ procedures, this too is process that requires attention from time to time. Here are a few tips to get you started.

The ultimate recipe for a perfect Employer Brand

Creating the perfect Employer Brand is something that is being experimented by almost every organisation. Unfortunately getting the right balance can be quite tricky but not impossible. All it takes is to obtain the perfect combination of all components along with the right technique and you are good to go.

Employer Brand can be identified as the ideal combination of HR and marketing. Imagine your organisation as a cake, the ultimate goal of an Employer Brand would be to attract talent towards your organisation. In other words making it irresistible to your customer, where in this scenario would be potential candidates. And how does one do this? That’s where HR comes into play.

Learn from the devil herself

Most of us tend to watch movies as a source of entertainment and relaxation. It usually helps to get our mind of the stressful reality and transports us into a virtual world where we see the happiness, tears, love, drama and action but aren’t directly a part of it, which in my defense is the best part of it. While most of these movies can be motivational, some movies may not directly give us any feeling of such. But if you carefully think about it every movie gives us some hidden tips on how to handle reality.

Following the K.I.S.S principle at work!

Let’s face it in today’s world no individual has time to spare. Running against time in order to survive in the industrial competition has become paramount to all. Hence the most practical and feasible solution for any organisation to follow in order keep up with the emerging trends would be to follow the K.I.S.S principle which is commonly referred to as “keep It Short and Simple”. Whether it’s communication or organisation behavior, this principle can become handy at any point.

“Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple.” - C. W. Ceran

Like the quote above keeping things simple does not necessarily mean you are lazy to do your task, but whereas you’re smart enough to find the more simple solution

Banishing the post-holiday blues from your system.

While we would all love to start the year with a bang of enthusiasm and loads to look forwards to, we need to face the reality, the most realistic expression towards returning to work after the seasonal holidays is not what one would want to start their new year at work with. The holidays is that period of joy where one rejoices with family, friends, food having many fun activities and gatherings. In simpler terms a break from your busy work schedules. Hence going back to work isn’t the greatest feeling and especially during the first week after your return. Almost all employees are still in the holiday relaxation mood needing a massive boost to get back on track. Here’s a few tips and tricks that could help you to get a kick start.

It’s all about personal branding: Pick a Boss not a Job

The job search can be a very strenuous process for any individual. You have expectations regarding responsibilities, rewards, goals and various other perks. In the process of achieving these expectations we usually tend to forego the reality. The reality of working with others in order to achieve these expectations and the main person standing your way would be the Boss!

It’s time to stand up.

It is a common ideology that every individual from childhood is thought their manners. Simple things like being polite, please and thank you is believed to be basic principles that is embedded in one. As much as this is true, the question to be asked is that up to what extent is this actually followed. Unfortunately, we live in a society where meeting people who ignore such manners is inevitable.

While most of the time this is something that many people tend to think of as rude behavior, one may also believe that a severe form of this could lead to aggression and abuse.

The ultimate guide to identify your F.R.I.E.N.D.S at work

‘Friends’ has earned its place as one of the most successful and iconic sitcoms of television history ever since it started airing in 1994. Each character in the series has a unique personality, presence and relevance in the show. From quotes to lines to gestures, these characters have portrayed many relatable scenarios in a very subtle way and has won the hearts and keeps continuing to be present in the minds of their audience even after a decade of going off air.

When scrutinising any workplace you are sure to find some personality trait of these characters associating with you daily.

The one with sincere passion and inappropriate actions:


Dr. Ross Geller portrays a character that every workplace has. He is passionate about his job and proud to be a part of it despite the majority not exactly knowing what it means and makes fun of it in every way possible. He could talk about his job continuously without getting tired.

Ross also shows that inappropriate workplace relationships can be quite disastrous no matter what the profession is.  It is important to have employees like Ross as their enthusiasm towards their job can always be a great helping hand towards the organisation.

The trendsetter with endless self-confidence:


Most companies love to have a Rachel Green in their workforce. This is someone who wants to stand on their own feet and achieve success on her own. The key to her career guide is always love what you do. Rachel always tends to be the trend setter where ever she goes. She is the perfect example for confidence and style along with women empowerment. Rachel also knows how to put her point across and gets what she needs through any means possible.

The series also gave out points regarding determination and learning experiences through this character and at the same time made it clear as to how competitive the work environment can get and how to face these situations with confidence. 

The ‘go to’ companion:


We all Know Joey Tribbiani for the guy who tends to charm every girl with his iconic quote “How you doin’?” and the one who is an absolute child by nature. But behind all this there is that protective, sensitive and caring friend who is there for you at all times.

Joey might not be successful at what he does but never gives up in his passion. He is not afraid to be himself and will try a million times. He is all about living the moment and is that ‘go to’ friend no matter what the problem is. He might not be the most helpful person and not the most productive but he is always there to support you and be there for you at all times. The best way to get what you need is just a little bit of an offering. But remember Joey does not share food!

The one who’s unique in her own ways:


If you actually think about it, Phoebe Buffay is that individual who believes in herself and is not ashamed to be who she is. She does not let the opinion of others change who she is. We all have that random colleague who just thinks way out of the box but can actually be the one to give the best advice at an unexpected moment.

This person has their principles but at the same time gets along with others easily and is a fun person to hang out with during a boring day.

The controlling boss:


What would an office be without a Monica Geller. It’s her way or the highway with this colleague. She is a perfectionist and makes sure that she is the Boss!  They might be one of your close companions but there is no messing around with her. 

This person does not let her personal life mess with her work life. She knows how to get things done when and how she wants it to be done. Her long period of unemployment showed her determination and proves the fact that she not the person to give up. Monica is also probably one of the best examples of efficient management which is highly appreciated by any company.

The one with dedication, creativity and sarcasm:


Chandler Bing has a collection of traits that is evident in any workplace. Despite disliking his job, he is unable to quit as it is his nature to avoid ending anything forcefully. He is the person to get away from a serious conversation using his sarcasm or witty comments. This person tries to please anyone no matter how much it bothers him. At the same time Chandler gives out his creativity through his sarcasm and is another example for hard work and dedication.

Despite all the thoughts and confusions, towards the last part of the series we saw Chandler taking a big risk. He was not afraid to make a big career change and to start from the bottom again. He was also able to prove that maturity and experience can come handy at your workplace.

It’s no doubt that no matter where you go, what job you do or what industry to belong to, these iconic traits and personalities are not going to be hard to find.

Overcoming the top workplace distractions

It is an accepted fact that no matter how hard an employee tries, they are never able to give their 100% attention towards their job. Many individuals consider distractions to be a method to get away from stress and refresh your mind. Unfortunately the problem occurs when these distractions turn into addictions.

First impression is the best Impression VS. Never judge a book by its cover

Majority of us have heard the common phrases “The first Impression is the best Impression” and “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” While most people tend to follow these sayings in their day to day life, what happens is that interviewers and interviewees tend to use these as secret weapons during the BIG INTERVEIW. While the interviewee tries to make a great first impression, on the other hand the interviewer tries to pick the right person for the job. Unfortunately these two functions can turn into a difficult situation for both parties.