Why Performance Management via HRIS/ Cloud?

An annual performance review of employees is the most important process for the growth and success of any business organisations. Performance management serves as a motivational tool as well because through the evaluation of performance of employees, a person's efficiency can be determined if the organisations strategic targets are achieved. This very well motivates a person for better job and helps in to improving their performance in the future.

Moving into HR cloud computing

Why should organisations move into HR Cloud Computing?5falsemythscloudcomputing

In today’s world, HR Managers are completely involved in every stage of a company’s progress and interact with every level of a company’s workforce, from the lowest to the highest. Human Resource cloud computing is quite important when it comes to managing a lot of employees in your company. Especially when it comes to when employees working in other parts of the world, they can make use of HR cloud computing for example for: leave management, updates and all other HR related activities.

HR Managers must think universally!

There are all kinds of people around the world! When you try to talk to British HR about internationalizing, its collective eyes quite often start to glaze over very quickly. But it is important that HR managers start thinking internationally right now because we are all international now-or if we are not, we soon will be. As the domestic and international diversity agendas are emerging, we have mixed workforces, deal with foreign visitors and communicate with people across the world by phone and email. More and more of us work in international organisation s or work with organisation s abroad.

HR Tomorrow!

Achieving excellence.

Talent acquisition, training and building the leaders of tomorrow, are key HR constructs of today’s turbulent environment, which is facing a leadership crunch. So how is HR gearing up to deal with this? What are the new innovations HR is looking at?

LinkedIn! The Best for Professionals.

LinkedIn is a social networking website for people in professional occupations and it is where all the HR managers and recruiters are now hanging out. The main opportunities LinkedIn provides are that LinkedIn helps in developing and expanding a personal network of professionals. There are members from all 500 of the Fortune 500 companies. LinkedIn members comprise 130 different industries, and include well over 100,000 recruiters.

How to build a high performance organisation al culture

A high performance organisation al culture is extremely essential to gain organisation al success. In order to build a high performance organisation al culture, an organisation will have to firstly understand the culture that is currently prevalent within the organisation. The diagnosis of the current organisation al culture could be done by conducting several focus group discussions; which will then aid you to identify the common trends in behaviors and characteristics among these groups in order to determine the present organisation al culture.

An organisation transforming to a high performance organisation

An organisation transforming to a high performance organisation by the transference of its culture

The organisation al culture is the core of any organisation. It is known to be the DNA of an organisation; the core values by which an organisation functions and the perception held by its employees. Organisation al culture is a significant contributor to almost every aspect of the organisation al life including organisation’s ability to deliver its goals, attracting and retaining talent, employee performance, return on investment and winning the loyalty of customers. Your organisation al culture is unique, thus it will be the only thing that your competitors will be unable to imitate.

Have a Business Continuity Plan BEFORE Disaster Strikes

Hundreds of businesses directly affected by 9/11 are no longer in existence. Sadly, after any disaster such as a major fire or other natural disaster, many businesses fail because they have not prepared for business continuity in the event of a disaster. The time to prepare for business continuity is before disaster strikes.

Are you treating your candidates’ right? – Interviewee Perspective of Job Interviews

I had just finished my MBA and was looking for a new job opportunity and was going through the usual process, applying via email and going for interviews.

We go for an interview because we get shortlisted, and it is only fair to expect to be treated in a professional manner, but in most cases it is NOT. There isn’t any point if you have a great product and high sales if you do not know how to attract candidates. Interviewers forget that apart from judging the interviewee that the employer is judged, you give us an insight about your company on the way you behave and although you might not realize it we evaluate you too. Just listing some of the unprofessional situations I’ve come across during the past few months.

A De-Stress Zone – Leaving no room for stress

The negative impact of stress on employee productivity is heavily documented and constantly spoken about. The majority of authors conclude that stress is required in the right quantities. Creativity and productivity peak at different levels of stress. People are more creative at lower levels of stress and they are more productive at moderate levels of stress. A very high level of stress or a very low level of stress will hamper both creativity and productivity.

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